A homestay in Provence is tempting but you are not sure of your level?
“Aucun problème ! "
We will work that out together on the first day of your immersion course before deciding on your personalised program.

During your homestay in Provence, you will learn how to introduce yourself to someone and you will learn how to use and understand simple everyday expressions and statements aimed at meeting concrete needs.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will be able to understand and use these familiar everyday expressions. If the other person speaks slowly and clearly and uses simple language, you will be able to understand them.

During your homestay in Provence, you will learn how to communicate about familiar and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will be able to describe your training and discuss subjects which correspond to your immediate needs.

Not sure of your level?

During your homestay in Provence, you will learn to produce simple, coherent speech on familiar topics and areas of interest.
You will learn to communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency such as a conversation with a native speaker without stress on either side.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will be able to relate an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal, and be able to briefly state reasons or explanations for a project or idea.
You will be able to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, offer opinions on a topical issue, and discuss the pros and cons of different possibilities.

During your homestay in Provence, you will learn to communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency such as a conversation with a native speaker without stress on either side.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics.
You will be able to speak clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, offer opinions on a topical issue, and discuss the pros and cons of different possibilities.


During your homestay in Provence, you will learn to use the language efficiently and flexibly in social, professional or academic life.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will understand a wide range of demanding, long texts and recognize implicit meanings.
You will be able to express yourself on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate control of the tools of organization, articulation and cohesion of speech.

During your homestay in Provence, you will learn to reproduce facts and arguments from a variety of written and oral sources, summarizing them in a coherent fashion.
At the end of your homestay in Provence, you will express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, and will be able to distinguish fine nuances of meaning relating to complex matters.
You will effortlessly understand virtually everything you read or hear.