Hello everyone. Today I'm talking to you about one of the most typical dishes of Provence. Here, everyone knows this specialty. That doesn't mean everyone likes it. My children, for example, don't like meat very much. So stew is not their favorite dish.
I usually cook a stew when I have good eaters at home (particularly meat lovers). I would be delighted to introduce you to this recipe during your immersion in Provence if you feel like it. In the meantime, I let you discover the recipe below and try the adventure of cooking a Provencal stew by yourself. Nice discovery to all!
I. What is the daube provençale?
Daube provençale is an emblematic dish of the southern French cuisine. This culinary specialty is a meat stew simmered for several hours with vegetables and herbs of Provence, in a red wine. In this article, we will talk about daube provençale, its history, and the different steps to cook it.
II. History of Daube provençale
Daube provençale is a traditional dish from the Provence region in the south of France. It appeared in the 14th century when the inhabitants of the region started to simmer meat in red wine to preserve it for a longer time. This preservation technique allowed farmers in the region to store meat for several weeks without it spoiling.
Over the centuries, daube provençale has become an iconic dish of the region. It is often prepared during special occasions such as weddings, baptisms, and end-of-year festivities. The recipe for daube provençale has been passed down from generation to generation, and each family has its own way of cooking it.
III. Discover my recipe for this provençal speciality
1. Ingredients for Daube provençale
To cook a daube provençale for 6 to 8 people, you will need the following ingredients:
3.3 lbs of beef (chuck, rump, cheek, tail, round)
1 bottle of red wine from the region (Côtes du Rhône, Bandol, etc.)
2 carrots
2 onions
2 garlic cloves
1 celery branch
1 bouquet garni (thyme, bay leaves, rosemary)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of flour
Salt and pepper
2. Preparation of Daube provençale
Here are the steps to prepare daube provençale:
1. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces and brown them in a Dutch oven with olive oil until they are golden brown. Reserve the meat pieces in a plate.
2. In the same Dutch oven, brown the onions, carrots, and celery cut into small pieces. Then, add the crushed garlic and bouquet garni. Mix well.
3. Add the meat back into the Dutch oven and sprinkle with flour. Mix well to coat the meat with flour.
4. Pour the red wine into the Dutch oven and add enough water to cover the meat. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the daube for 3 hours over low heat. Check the cooking regularly and add water if necessary.
6. Serve daube accompanied by steamed potatoes, pasta, or rice.
3. Variants of Daube provençale
Daube provençale can be prepared with different types of meat such as lamb, pork, or game meat. Some variants also include black olives, mushrooms, or bacon. However, the traditional recipe remains the one made with beef, red wine, and herbs of Provence.
IV. Daube provençale: the vocabulary
Here are the vocabulary words that I propose to you.
This list is not exhaustive. Some words will be useful to you and others may not be so.
I really invite you to pick up the information that is useful to you.
La daube provençale : Provençal stew
Une spécialité culinaire : A culinary specialty
Le sud de la France : The south of France
Un ragoût de viande : A meat stew
Faire mijoter : To simmer
Des légumes : Vegetables
Des herbes de Provence : Herbs of Provence
Un vin rouge : Red wine
La région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur : Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region
Le XIVe siècle : The 14th century
Conserver de la viande : To preserve meat
Un mariage : A wedding
Un baptême : A baptism
Les fêtes de fin d'année : End-of-year festivities
Une recette : A recipe
La génération : Generation
Une pièce de bœuf : A beef cut
Le paleron : Chuck
Le rumsteck : Rump
La joue de bœuf : Cheek
Le jarret : Tail
Le rond de gîte : Round
Un oignon : Onion
De l'ail : Garlic
Une carotte : Carrot
Du céleri : Celery
Un bouquet garni : Bouquet garni
De l'huile d'olive : Olive oil
De la farine : Flour
Du sel : Salt
Du poivre : Pepper
Une cocotte en fonte : Dutch oven
Un plat : A plate
L'eau : Water
L'agneau : Lamb
Le porc : Pork
Le gibier : Game meat
Les olives noires : Black olives
Les champignons : Mushrooms
Le bacon : Bacon
Les pommes de terre : Potatoes
Des pâtes : Pasta
Le riz : Rice.
If you come to my place for an immersion stay in Provence, I will make you discover the different aspects of Provence: the landscapes and the scents, but also the culture, the gastronomy... while helping you to improve your French. See you soon in Provence!
Virginie In Provence