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Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

I am a French teacher for non-French speakers but also a certified yoga teacher for children. A year and a half ago, I started yoga training for adults. I therefore propose this article to you today to allow you to discover yoga postures to practice during the spring. You can also discover the vocabulary related to this practice.

Happy spring everyone!

Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses
Upside Down Dog - Virginie In Provence

I. Why to do yoga during spring in Provence?

Spring is considered a season of renewal and rebirth, where nature begins to bloom and regenerate after winter. It is also a time of transition for the body as it moves from hibernation to renewed energy. Yoga is a practice that can help facilitate this transition, by offering specific poses that can help to eliminate toxins accumulated during winter and revitalize the body for a new season. In this article, we will explore some yoga poses beneficial for spring.

II. What poses of yoga during spring in Provence?

1. First Pose of yoga during spring in Provence:

Downward-facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana in sanskrit)

This pose is excellent for stretching the hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and arms. It also helps to strengthen the arms and legs. Additionally, this pose can help to stimulate digestion, which is particularly beneficial for eliminating toxins accumulated in the body.

To practice this pose, start on all fours with hands and knees spread at hip-width apart. Then, lift the hips and stretch the arms to bring the body into an inverted V shape. Keep the hands and feet flat on the floor and hold the position for a few deep breaths.

Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses
Downward-facing dog

2. Second Pose of yoga during spring in Provence:

Plank pose (Phalakasana in sanskrit)

The plank pose is an excellent pose for strengthening the body and stimulating metabolism. It is also beneficial for strengthening the arms, legs, and core. Additionally, it can help to improve posture and tone the abs.

To practice this pose, start in a push-up position, keeping the hands and feet flat on the floor. Keep your body in a straight line by engaging the core muscles and maintaining deep breathing. Hold the position for a few breaths before releasing.

Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses
Plank pose

3. Third Pose of yoga during spring in Provence:

Seated twist pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana in sanskrit)

This pose is excellent for stimulating digestion and eliminating toxins accumulated in the body. It is also beneficial for stretching the shoulders, neck, and spine. Additionally, it can help to relieve tension and stress.

To practice this pose, sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the outside of your left leg. Then, place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee and twist your torso to the right. Hold the position for a few deep breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses
Seated twist pose

4. Fourth Pose of yoga during spring in Provence:

Chair pose (Utkatasana in sanskrit)

The chair pose is excellent for strengthening the legs and thighs. It can also help to stimulate blood circulation and increase flexibility. Additionally, it can help to strengthen the back and shoulders.

To practice this pose, stand with feet together and arms extended above the head. Bend the knees and lower the hips as if sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep the spine straight and hold the position for a few deep breaths before releasing.

Spring Yoga in Provence: my selection of yoga poses
Chair pose

III. Vocabulary

Here are the vocabulary words that I propose to you.

This list is not exhaustive. Some words will be useful to you and others may not be so.

I really invite you to pick up the information that is useful to you.

1. La posture : the pose

2. La posture du chien tête en bas : downward-facing dog pose

3. La posture de La planche : pLank pose

4. La posture de La torsion assise : seated twist pose

5. La posture de La chaise : chair pose

6. Les ischio-jambiers : hamstrings

7. Les mollets : calves

8. Les épaules : shoulders

9. Les bras : arms

10. Les jambes : legs

11. Le corps : the body

12. La respiration : breathing

13. La digestion : digestion

14. La tension : tension, stress

15. Les toxines accumulées : accumulated toxins

16. Les mains : hands

17. Les pieds : feet

18. Le sol : floor

19. La ligne droite : straight line

20. Le tronc : core

21. Les abdominaux : abs

22. Le cou : neck

23. La colonne vertébraLe : spine

24. La circuLation sanguine : blood circulation

Yoga poses can be a great way to support the body during the transition from winter to spring. These poses can help to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, stimulate digestion, and revitalize the body for a new season. By incorporating these poses into your yoga practice, you can support your body and mind as they adapt to the changing season.

Note: It is important to note that some postures may vary depending on the tradition or yoga school practiced.

If you come to my place for an immersion stay in Provence, I will make you discover the different aspects of Provence: the landscapes and the scents, but also the culture, the gastronomy... while helping you to improve your French. See you soon in Provence!

Virginie In Provence


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